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    09 November 2020 01:00 AM      02:00 AM

    Research in humanitarian engineering education and practice
    Our next event is on Monday November 9, 12-1pm AEDT, where we’ll be discussing research in humanitarian engineering education and practice. Jacquie Thomas from the University of Sydney will speak about pivoting humanitarian engineering research in response to COVID-19, and Andrea Mazzurco from Swinburne University of Technology will be speaking about the landscape of humanitarian engineering education research. We’ll reserve some time towards the end of the session to set an agenda for 2021.
    Jacquie Thomas is Lecturer in Humanitarian Engineering at the University of Sydney.  She is passionate about improving peoples' lives and protecting the environment. She started a WaSH research group at the Ifakara Health Institute - an NGO based in rural Tanzania - where she lived and worked for nearly four years, before joining the University of Sydney in 2016 to teach in the new Humanitarian Engineering major, the first of its kind in Australia.
    Andrea Mazzurco is Lecturer in Engineering Education at Swinburne University of Technology. He is passionate about humanitarian engineering and sustainable development, which are at the core of his teaching and research. He seeks to bring together technical and social science expertise to foster a more sustainable future for his community and abroad through his teaching, research, and practice.
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